
Concentrating in Children’s and Family Law
Especially Accusations of Abuse or Neglect of a Child or Children
Call or E-mail Now For A Free Consultation!
Law Office of Michael L. Rich
32 Middlesex Circle – Unit 5Waltham, MA 02452
Phone: 781-373-1582, Text: 339-707-0050, Fax: 339-368-7662
Email: info@michaelrichlaw.com
This site is designed to help you understand the areas of law that I practice and what makes me and my practice different from other lawyers and from other family law practices. I have dedicated my practice and my life to helping families in their most desperate situations.
First, I am a family man; spouse, parent, and grandparent. I understand intimately the difficulty of dealing with such stressful situations. I advocate strongly on behalf of clients, always treating them with respect and dignity. Many lawyers (even Family or Domestic Relations lawyers) do not practice in the areas of law listed below. That is because these cases are often difficult and require familiarity with subject matter and agencies that do not come into play in an ordinary divorce or parent-versus-parent custody case. Although difficult, I have grown to enjoy helping families in this capacity.
Specifically, I represent parents or children in the following types of cases:
- Child Abuse and Neglect accusations
- Care & Protection cases in the Juvenile and Probate and Family courts
- Termination of Parental Rights in the Juvenile and Probate and Family courts
- Department of Children and Families (DCF) Investigations (51As), Grievances, Family Assessments, and Fair Hearings
- Judicial Review in Superior Court of Fair Hearing decisions
- Adoption defense and stepparent adoptions
- Guardianships of minors
I have also handled many cases involving elementary and secondary education, such as the following:
- Ensuring that the needs of special education students are met (i.e. 766, IDEA and 504)
- School discipline: Child Requiring Assistance (CRA, formerly CHINS) cases, manifestation hearings, positive behavioral plans, suspensions, exclusions, and expulsions
- Home schooling
- Student rights violations
I offer consultations, advice, and training to staff and volunteers of non-profit and other entities who work with children and families about policies and procedures for risk assessment and reduction.
This includes the following:
- Safe practices planning and implementation
- Mandatory Reporting of injured or neglected children (51As)
- Liability risk reduction
Most importantly, I handle each case PERSONALLY. Unless we agree to refer your case to a colleague with more specific expertise in your situation, I am the attorney who will be handling your case. With over a forty years of experience in these cases, you can be assured of high quality representation and advice. If you have any questions regarding any of these areas, or you have a specific problem, call 781-373-1582 or click this link to send an email.
I offer free, brief initial telephone or email consultations on new matters, sliding scale fees, a flexible retainer policy, and a reduced-cost initial office consultation.
using PayPal.Me/MichaelRichLawOffice, Square, and Zelle® to send your payment to kidlaw@comcast.net.